As plumbing experts, we know how important garbage disposal is for your kitchen. We’ve repaired and installed garbage disposal systems for years. However, you need to use these units correctly in order to get the maximum benefit from them. This means only putting the necessary food items down the drain. Luckily, composting can help fill in the gaps in an eco-friendly way. These food items are ones that you can compost, but should never go down your garbage disposal.
Fruit And Vegetable Peels
Peels from fruits like bananas and oranges are very fibrous. This is great for protecting the delicious fruit inside, but it’s not great for the blades of your garbage disposal. The same basic principle applies to things like potato peels, or celery. These fibrous materials get clogged in the blades of your garbage disposal.
However, those fibers have a benefit for your compost pile. They are full of vitamins and minerals that are great for enriching the soil. In this case, you can replace a bad option with a great choice by composting!
Coffee Grounds
Many of us are daily coffee drinkers. If you decide to brew at home, make composting a part of that daily ritual. Coffee grounds are a no-go for your drains and garbage disposal. The reason is that coffee grounds clump together in water which causes clogs and wears out garbage disposal blades.
However, coffee grounds are great for your compost pile. There are so many vitamins and minerals that remain behind after you filter the coffee through the grounds. All of that is great for enriching the soil and composting.
If you have any plumbing problems, give our helpful team at KC Home Services a call at (707) 394-3440 or fill out an online contact form. Our technicians are trained in hygiene and will take the utmost care when servicing your home.